084: Who Hunts?

XeaRi on Aug. 24, 2008

ARGH FINALLY. Sorry about that @_@ Life hates my comic…

The Dragons share their differences in culture, totally ignoring the fact that they should be being quiet right about now. >.>; Then Vark notices something…

Three panels! Whoaz. I felt a little uneasy thumbnailing this page - it's the fewest panels I've ever had short of splash pages. But phew, what a panel anyway. I thought I'd give you a glance at the wildlife of Kenah, as out-of-place as it seems to be after all those pages of lifeless forest…

A note on those berry bushes: they're actually goat-like creatures called cherlika pretending to be bushes. :P The little one is a youngster and isn't very good at it, which is why his horns are sticking out. Cherlika have feather-like fur that looks like leaves, and “berries” too - yellow blob things sticking out like pins in a pin cushion. WnT and I invented them for a Science project last year.

The trees return! I observed some trees a while back and I think it helped me draw them a little better this time around. They could still be better, but I'm satisfied with the improvement for now.