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bravo1102 on Aug. 3, 2014

All that has come before were just tests and rehearsals. Had to see the how well figure poses and costumes translated into action. And could I fit the figures into the set images I had. I've printed up some sheets of the set angles I have to aid shooting so I don't have to manipulate the final images too drastically.

Now at last the opening page. Some RL things came up that delayed shooting. Some of your comments caused a rewrite and re-casting of some parts. I do heed your comments and I hope you will like the changes. Especially Banes wanting to see more of the Naster Chief. In a lot of nautical fiction I've always wanted to see more interplay with the ship's chief NCOs (the Master) rather than the ship's surgeon. Many officers felt the surgeon was a mere mechanic and had greater respect for the nautical ability of the Master who on occasion would find himself promoted to officer. I really should do more nautical research but then Roddenberry himself was Army Air Corps and liberally used Horatio Hornblower as his inspiration.

This is the USS Surprise model. It is my take on the Star Fleet USS Saladin class scout/destroyer with the addition of a hanger. The ship in the opening of the reboot Star Trek movie is another take on it. You'll notice tha ship is off-center. That is intentional as some Star Trek “technobabble” had the single warp necelle configuration not providing an efective warp field. My solution make the ship asymetrical. This was actually done in the beginnings of high speed aircraft design to improve flight stabilty before the discovery of “area rule”

Just love that Roddenberry font. Adds a nice flavor to the narration.