Star Strip page 52

bravo1102 on Dec. 11, 2014

Lon calls the alert in as only he can. Well he is crazy and even surprises an experienced SIG agent like Jenny. After Jill and Frank's last sexual enocunter they took a shower and got a change of clothes. Now is Lon tellng Jill to lay off talking about beauty secrets with Jenny or trying to rein in her suddenly assuming leadership? Maybe one, maybe another, maybe both.

I got a new camera from my sister and it comes with one of those new rechargeable batteris but the charger was missing. So I bought one on Ebay only to be told that it was out of stock. Looks like I won't get to break in the new camera anytime soon.

So there has been a pause in the production of new images and pages while I sort that out. I recently started writing the script for a “lost” Belinda Brandon movie which is actually a prequel to Attack of the Robofemoidsand features Bob the Grey Guy from before he developed the robofemoids. All the Belinda Brandon movies are bassed on a series of faux movie posters I did while in art school. The original title was Alien Sex Slave but that'll be toned down to not sound so much like a porno. Hard R but not X. You know what often seperates PG-13 from R and R from NC-17? Usually about 15-30 seconds of footage in an entire film. Snipping ten frames from a nude scene makes all the difference in the world.