Star Strip page 57

bravo1102 on Dec. 23, 2014

The epic phaser battle continues. I've sorted out most of the issues with the new camera and it is opening up possibilities. So nice not having to stick my face behind the camera anymore. However I am back to taking twenty shots for every panel because freed from the viewfinder I can see so many more angles. They are really easy to wade through though.

Hope everyone's Holidays exceed your expectations and bring you great joy and warm fuzzies. I've been kind of hiberating this year. Cold and wet here and I just get under the covers and I don't want to come out for nothing. I'm a real pre-modern northern European. Fall's work is done? Okay into the house with the animals and eat up the stored food until spring.

This thing seems to be dragging so I'm going to try to zip it along with another re-write.