Star Strip page 116

bravo1102 on July 14, 2015

Rickover contacts the ship that is shadowing Surprisethe Enterprise under the command of James T. Kirk. There was a brief scene with Commodore Tang on Enterprise a few pages back who was insisting on caution because those SIG agents were so good. And here's Rickover crying for help while Tang is off in conference. The next two pages will be all Enterprise.Even using some of the same shots used in the FYC scenes but with stuff moved around and different facial expressions.

But of course Rickover doesn't want Kirk and company taking all the glory. They have a tendency to do that. When I do the “Court Martial” I'll try to explore that.

What's this with Spock and Spock being cousins? I could not come up with another Vulcan name that I liked so both Quinto and Nimoy Spocks remain “Spock” However they do have different first names. Spock Quin-to and Spock Ni-moy. In the “real” Federation universe “Spock” is a common name kind of like “Singh” or “Smith”.