
Luccia on June 3, 2015

While I'm happy with how she turned out in those bottom panels, I'm going to make alterations to her magic form in future pages because I feel like it could be better. Plus, how it turned out on paper is nowhere close to how it looked in my head. Is anyone else going to get back into the fashion forums?
@tupapayon: It's true.
@fallopiancrusader: That's pretty much her relationship with Manta. If you're not Mom or Dad, he'll speak up to you no matter who you are.
@jerrie: Thank you! There's still so much to learn about them to really bring out their potential. You should look up colored pencil portraits.
@Peipei: He's lighter than he should be due to unfortunate circumstances. But, we'll get into that later.
@Whirlwynd: Thank you!