02- The comic that made no sense

TeeniMeeni on May 26, 2008

Here's an example of a comic gone wrong. Meeni started the first with NO idea how it would turn out and gave it to Teeni to finish, who had no idea what it was supposed to mean either. Needless to say we screwed up. We laughed our butts off at this because how bad it was.

Don't worry though, after this one there's no more screw-ups like this…yet.

Hey, it's not everyday people admit to there mistakes. Right. Umm…actually let's just pretend this is a “behind the scenes” look of making Teeni and Meeni comics to make us look better, okay?

edit: learning how to use photoshop and I was able to make the darker. Before you couldn't see anything on this picture! That's the best I can do with photoshop at the moment…

Oh yeah, where you able to spot the difference between how Meeni looks in the first panel then the other 2? Yeah…I (Meeni) drew the first one…I dunno I like how I draw Meeni better and how she draws Teeni better. I guess you can say we put not only our own style to our characters, but a little of ourselves into them too. That's why Meeni looks a little..off in this one. Actually you probably can't really see much of a difference or why it would matter but maybe more into the comics you'd think otherwise? Afterall we aren't even 2 comics in yet! Stick around ok?

And…only Teeni can draw Teeni like Teeni and only I can draw Meeni like Meeni. Ok? So after this one, only I draw Meeni and she only draws Teeni.