Pot's Bleed? Yes... Yes they do...

LillyShadowsong on Feb. 5, 2007

there are actually two versions of today's comic strip. the Original beat out the remade… which I'm kinda glad about (sorry Mookie). I'm sorry about Missing Saturday's update as well. I'll try and never do that agian. There was a problem with my internet…plus Ikkicon was going on.

Ikkicon was a BLAST. I got to meet not Only Mookie but Blair B. Who Writes and Draws Star Crossed Destiny. I missed out on hte voice actors… agian.. which kidna sucks cause the the guy who Played Greed on FMA was there. But A-kon is fast approching and I'll meet people there.

If you are going to A-kon look me up. I won't have a table. But I will have fliers.And maybe even a small “went to kinkos copied a bunch of stuff and printed out little books.” maybe for sale maybe not for sell I don't know. It all depends on if I have them or not. I hope you Enjoy today's Comic! I had fun drawing the Kettle and Pot