Community Project Time!

THKNN_NUL on April 9, 2008

College has been okay, but it doesn't leave me much free time. sorry about the delays.

Now Altimas has the First 5, since he wanted #22

So Rules 26-225 are all up for grabs!

Also, forgot to mention the comics DON'T have to be sprite. It can be ANYTHING as long as:

1. You have the Rule Stated at the Top/Bottom of the page.
2. Made as Funny as possible
3. Is within T+ range

You also can either make your OWN overlord, or(if you run it by me first) you can use one of our CURRENT evil overlords:

1. Torano Nenjet
2. Black Dove(Omen)
3. J_man(the Jinglehimershmit Bros)
4. Ryu_The_Fox(Ryu Folks)
5. Altimas
6. Valavor(Tia the Pink)

Any questions?