page sixty-seven

LilyRose on Aug. 21, 2012

A Short Note to My Readers
HI there. I know we don't talk all that much. My fault, I know. I'm just not the schmoozy type. Don't look for me on the best seller lists doing the talk show circuit any time soon.
But that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate you: you, whom I mostly know only as statistics numbers on my hit counter. Those numbers let me know that you're out there, and that does give me encouragement when getting pages out gets a little hard.
Well, this is one of those times. There's no work stoppage, anything like that. It's just that circumstances have got things moving just a little slower than usual. Hence the all too common late updates in recent weeks. Those of you who do comics yourselves know how much work they entail, and how things can get gummed up by just a small upset in your life. If you don't do your own comic, just know that the professional publishers have a team of artists to do what we webcomickers do all by our lonesome. It's what you call the old Labor of Love.
And I do love it. Which is why I keep going even when it gets a little tough. And why I now ask for your indulgence and patience when I get the pages out a little late. My promise to you is that they might come out late, but they will come out. Not a stoppage; just a slowdown.
Thanks for your understanding