Chapter 2 -- Part 2

darrell on March 14, 2013

If you came here looking for this week's regular update just click ‘previous’. Otherwise, here's the “cover page” I promised. Did I mention that “Chapter 2” will be broken up into several short “parts” and each part would contain a Bluenoser story as well as a Victoria and/or Mary one? Well, now you know.
ghostrunner - I'll try (to stay the course).
clem - I was sure “Best Man” had been taken by Marvel, DC, or someone but couldn't find anything. It worked out so much better than some of my earlier ideas which were horrible and also taken by someone.
shastab24 - That's how I feel as well. Comics are awesome!
Peipei - Thanks! That first little bit seemed to take forever but I think it paid off.