Volume 2 - Part 7 - Page 6

darrell on March 31, 2014

I announced the Bluenoser three years ago, April 2011, and I guess it's time to officially announce that I've decided to bring it to an end. There are many factors leading to this decision that I won't go into here. I'll still be finishing up “volume 2” and there are still quite a few pages to go but then it's time to move on. I can't promise that all storylines will be tied up but many will. So thank you for the support for this long and I hope you enjoy the rest of the ride.
And yes, I'll also be going on hiatus in the next 2-3 weeks to build up a buffer of pages and it may be a month or two long hiatus.
Locoma - Yeah, there's some sort of bug with the Duck where it seems scheduled pages (update on a certain date as opposed to update now) don't seem to change the last updated field. I've missed a few updates on the books I read as well.
Peipei - I wasn't quite clear on this in the comic but Master Mummy is not his “master”. Frank's “creator” is good ol' Dr. Frankenstein (not seen yet and probably never will be). I was avoiding using full names for some reason but I probably should have been more explicit.