Finale - Work In Progress part 1

darrell on April 20, 2014

I'll try to update you weekly on my progress. Unfortunately, I haven't made too much but I'm hoping things will start moving shortly. But here's some of the page that I'm currently working on (dealing with panel 3 tonight). Also, picked up my ticket to Fan Expo Canada. It's not until August but I like to buy early. And I'm really eager for Ottawa Comic Con. Looking forward to seeing Sean Astin, Summer Glau, and Eliza Dushku. And Bruce Campbell's panel is bound to be a lot of fun.
ghostrunner - Glad you liked it.
Locoma - I really should do more designs and character sheets, I keep kicking myself for not doing so. This finale is definitely going to be a challenge in terms of the number of characters and robots I'm going to be shoving into some panels but as a friend once told me, you can't talk about an army but only show a few robots here and there. So it has to get done.
Peipei - And I'm really jealous of your colouring and multi-dimensional characters.