Finale - Work In Progress part 3

darrell on June 29, 2014

Yep, back to hiatus. Thinking I may cut back on future hiatuses by switching to updating every two weeks. This way I also don't clutter the comic up with these fillers. Feel free to share your opinion.
In bigger news, I have another nephew. His name is Logan and he's adorable if I do say so myself.
ghostrunner - Glad you're enjoying Victoria's pain. :)
Peipei - Thanks!
shastab24 - Well, we don't really pal around that much. We initially exchanged messages about webcomics on our respecctive blogs before I finally met Caanan in person five years back at Fan Expo Canada (he was just finishing up Celadore on Zuda and in the process of creating Max Overacts). From then it's mostly been spending time chatting at Fan Expo Canada once a year (before he moved out west and found better cons out there) and exchanging the occasional emails to keep each other up to date and rant about life. And yeah, I miss his Line it is Drawn stuff as well. I know it was time consuming for him and he needed to focus on paying work but his contributions always kicked butt.