4. How to Save A Life

Air Raid Robertson on May 8, 2009

This comic strip almost didn't happen. I practically forgot to do it.

You see, I write The Capital of Helsinki in bursts. Whenever I'm in the zone for this type of thing, I just write down quick notes of punchlines and gag ideas. I almost never write out the strip entirely in these instances. I just put down enough to give the gist of the idea.

Later on, I look at the sheet when it's time to do a new Capital of Helsinki strip. Most of the ideas seem really dumb at that point and I reject them outright. On a few other ones I find myself forgetting what the context of the punchline was.

This was one of those instances. I read the line “Finally an EMT. Good news, Timmy. They've found a donor” and I forgot what the hell that was supposed to reference.

Well, on this week a couple of random synapses fired and I suddenly remembered. I'm glad I did since I think The Capital of Helsinki could use some more irony.

Everybody likes irony jokes, right?