79. Pillow Talk

Air Raid Robertson on Oct. 9, 2010

This is a one page comic I originally wrote and drew around three or four years ago. For a while I've been meaning to redo it and post it as a Capital of Helsinki strip. I figured that this week was as good as any.

The last old comic I redid for The Capital of Helsinki was the one about Biff the Anthropomorphic Talking Penis. That strip, for better or for worse, has become one of the most popular strips in the Capital of Helsinki canon. I somehow doubt that this one will have the same level of success, but I suppose you never can tell.

I didn't bother looking at the old page again, so the dialogue will probably be very different. The basic gist of the two comics will likely be pretty much the same though. In case you can't tell, I wasn't exactly getting laid all that often when I initially dreamed this one up.

For the coloring job I decided to just do varying tones of blue. A full color version of this page felt wrong to me for some reason. At the same time I didn't want it to be in black and white either. It's been forever since I played around with limited colors, so this seemed like a good opportunity to do so.