82. Happy Election Day

Air Raid Robertson on Oct. 29, 2010

Since this is the internet, I'm guessing a solid number of you aren't American. Plus, there are probably a good number of you who are American but also stay the hell away from anything that seems even remotely political. In this case, the above strip may need some context.

In the next few days the midterm elections are going to take place. The midterm elections occur (unsurprisingly) in the middle of every American presidential term. Half of Congress is up for election, as are a large number of other government offices.

This was done by the framers of the Constitution in order to keep one political party from retaining too much power. If the current president is making unpopular moves, the result is usually that his respective political party will lose a great number of seats in the House and Senate. This will likely happen for this particular midterm election.

As I've stated earlier, I tend to avoid political cartooning. I don't consider political and social humor it my strong point. Plus, although some political cartoonists are brilliant, I consider most of them to be smug, condescending, strangely humorless, and painfully lazy when it comes to drawing ability. Also, while there's a bit of political cartooning has lasting historical value, the vast majority becomes dated and expired almost immediately.

Of course, I've taken the risk of doing a political cartoon before. I did it again now. I consider the concept of a donkey and elephant taking turns eating shit out of each others' assholes to be a pretty solid metaphor for America's political climate. It's crude, but I don't consider it to be the least bit inappropriate.

I'm also not worried about the strip becoming immediately dated. It works for America's political past just as much as it does the present. I also don't see it changing all that much for the forseeable future either.