Prologue, page one

Mattski on Oct. 5, 2007

Acquiring signal…

Hello, and welcome to my web comic The Converts of Earth! This is the first web comic I've done, and things promise to be hit and miss for a while as I figure out exactly how this works. This isn't precisely how I'd like this to look right now, or to function, but one deals with what one has been given until one works out all the bugses. Once I figure it all out, and I do eventually plan to figure it all out, I'll start offering original art for sale, publications, and other sorts of nifties and give-aways.

As of now, I'm planning on posting once a week, around Thursday or Friday. That's not because of the complexity of the artwork, but the complexity of figuring out how this whole web comic thing works, and making it do precisely what I want it to. (Bend to my will, damn you!!!) As time goes on, I hope to post two and possibly three times a week. This promises to be a lengthy, exciting story and I really hope you like it enough to stick along for the ride!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the section. Thanks so much for coming by!
