Page 17

Singring on May 11, 2014

This is the page that really sets the plot in motion - it's not always easy to draw pages of exposition/dialogue in an interesting way, but I tried a number of things here to keep things alive - including an unusual panel framing, a mix of close-ups and wide shots and a cliffhanger at the end (or at least I hope it reads as a cliffhanger).
I've been able to get a lot of work done the past couple of weeks, so the next six pages are finished and ready for upload - but I will do so on a bi-weekly basis. This will (hopefully) tide me over to the next period where I have a bit more time and allow me to maintain a regular schedule for teh foreseebale future. I've also had a chance to go back and fix a few continuity errors.
I'll also see about creating a parallel webcomic with the pencils and the inks for each page - I know I'm always very curious as to the process that goes into the art and I'd like to share my way of working with anyone who is interested.