The Cull - Chapter 2 - Page 33

Singring on Feb. 21, 2016

A day late, a buck short, eh?

Sorry about the delay, I had some distractions during the weekend.

Here's a page that certainly earns this comic it's N! and S! tags. I hope everyone was getting the sense that this ‘eruption’ was inevitable…and here it is.

It will be interesting to see where this goes.

You will note that the lighting and colours on this page differ quiet a bit from the last (I was actually quite surprised when I compared the last two pages side by side. I think I'm getting a better handle on lighting and colour balance etc. with each page, so you will see a change in that from page to page for the next few pages at least as I learn the basics. Hopefully that will stabilize soon. I tweaked the colour balance of the previous page to make the transition less jarring.

Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for all the comments and feedback!