(Return of) Demonic Adventures-Page 4

lizinverse on Aug. 4, 2014

Pita's shirt needs to be real. It's a silhouette of a clump of grass, with an eyepatch and a pirate hat scribbled on as if by a child, with the word “yarrr'd” along the top.
….I should make this.
Spikes, Kou the Mad- Shadow people. -sage nod-
Jamie59-in her own world. :3
man in black-yep, one's always happy and the other takes after their mum and is bitter and sarcastic.
MOrgan-but of course! Everyone should be able to recognize the star of this summer's blockbuster action/romance/filmnoir, “M The Motion Picture: March of the Cockblock Penguins”! (advanceticketsalesonly.Nooneundertheageof19admittedfortheirownsafety.)