(Abruptly) Demonic Adventures- Page 8

lizinverse on Feb. 5, 2016

Sentai Pizza Rangers is a fictional conglomeration of Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles and Samurai Pizza Cats. Harahel not only spends it's off time in the form of a child, but apparently is attracted to the same things a kid would be.

tupapayon- o_o

Kou the Mad- I think I only committed Glowworms, My Little Pony and She-Ra to early memory. I was extremely fond of the girly shows as a wee lass. Although He-Man was fun, and I always tried to catch some show about a dude looking for his mom, although for the life of me I can't remember the show's title. Oh and Peter Pan and the Pirates in later years. I would spend the weekend depressed when I missed episodes. (they only aired on Fridays. ohnoes, my age is showing O_O)

MOrgan- Darn those genderless angels. They're ruining all the fun. O_O