Things exploded.

lizinverse on March 12, 2017

Since more people read here more often, here's my crappy news;

A pretty bad wind storm blew through here on Wednesday, and I lost power. The temperatures being back in the frigid arcticness, I'd been staying in a hotel room trying to keep warm. The power was out through today (Sunday the 12th), and an hour after it came back on, the pipes burst in the spare bedroom located over my living room
Shut the water off because despite how magical it could've been, having an indoor waterfall just wasn't something I was keen on. An hour later, the waterfall returns as another set of pipes in the spare bedroom burst, and return to pouring water through the ceiling hole made by the first flood.
I hysterically left my house and went to find help in the form of an old neighbor who does construction for a living, and we finally figured out which knob in the basement controlled the main water valve and got everything shut down.

TL;DR: Pipes splode. Water everywhere. Liz's updates are going to return to the radio silence most likely when the inevitable renovations start to repair the damage.

Here's a picture of the hole where the water came through

This post may not make cognitive sense because I had to medicate my anxiety away. (with legal medications, I'm on those.) I basically just wanted to say I am going to go away and I didn't want anyone to think I'd died or had another depression episode or anything.
I'll update webcomics if I can.