09/11/08 - Omens

CMS on Sept. 10, 2008

Ah, the New York subway and its many-splendored gems. Just in time for the seventh commemoration of the tragedy that happened there… a completely unrelated comic.

On a serious note for a second, I did visit Ground Zero earlier this year and was filled with rage and indignation, at those who allowed this to happen, and a genuine love for New York City. Yes, for some the Twin Towers were the middle finger of capitalism aimed squarely at the have-nots, and for others, simply an eyesore, but dammit, just as the best and the worst are all a part of our human nature, the towers were a part of this city and still loom above the skyline like towering phantom limbs. My heart goes out to the families affected.

Speaking of the Twin Towers, I recently saw a great film called Man on Wire, about Philippe Petit, who secretly strung a tight-rope between the tops and walked back and forth for 45 minutes, 104 stories up, back in 1974. At one point, he even laid down on the rope!

If anyone is interested, you can actually buy a Corporate Zombie shirt from Angryman Arts.

Lastly… crayola sucks! I'm getting rid of the color pencils I've been trying to use and getting some real ones. I colored this strip using them and was not happy with the results… same thing with the “Olympics” comic. It's a good thing I scanned both before coloring since the B&W looked better anyway.

Enjoy! –CMS.