Page 21

Kota on Oct. 6, 2014

Never seen a dog do that before.
Well, it's been just over two
weeks since my dad passed and I'm still adjusting and coming to terms
with things. I've managed to get my head straight enough to be able to
draw at least. Also, the new Intuos tablet I got through a generous
donation from the crew at helped. Thanks again guys.
we're at a really interesting point in the story right now for EA.
Terry's plan (which will be revealed completely in issue 25) is coming
together. That means two things. First, exciting things are coming up!
Second, we're headed toward the end of the series. It's still a good
ways off in real world time, but it's coming so keep an eye out for
things hinted at or mentioned earlier in the series as we move onward.
Anyway, see you guys Friday!