Page 276

KimLuster on Oct. 28, 2015

These pages haven't been the most fun to draw, but the story…! Well… I did change my comic to mature…
Considering the subject matter, it just started feeling contrived to overly self-censor everything, but I don't think I'll ever get gratuitous with it…
So does Eli wants the Godstrain itself (and is willing to use Kimber Lee fear and revulsion against her)…?! Well, he has been in some sort of contact state with it for a while, hinted at in pages such as 222-224, and with pages like 255 and 259, and this page, the Godstrain seems to have some sort of motive too… (the story itself should convey all that but I know with webcomics and the long time between pages, stuff can be forgotten…)
Bad, bad part in the tale… But Kimber Lee's pretty tough (first f-bomb!) and this story is far from over…!
Thanks for Reading Everyone!