Page 291

KimLuster on Jan. 18, 2016

For those of you not familiar with ferrofluids (fluids with metallic magnetic properties) do some web searching and check out some of the fantastic videos and articles!
Lotsa talking on this page - few more pages until we get to the part I've been waiting forever to get to!
During the long battle with Eli, I hinted at his varying degrees of vulnerability (where his susceptability to injury would change) and now we know why… sorta! I think Tupapayon guessed that something like this would be the case.
This is the last completed page of my buffer. I've started the next already… barely. RL work is really difficult right now (plus some non-work projects I'm in charge have approaching deadlines), so next few pages might be later than usual, but they'll still keep coming.
Thanks for reading everyone!