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KimLuster on April 10, 2016

Phi truly is one of those magic numbers. It is 1.618… (on to infinity, with never a repeating pattern, much like Pi). It's a ratio: Take a line of finite length and divide in two, in a particular location, where ratio of the entire line to the larger section is equal to the ratio of the larger section to the smaller section.

This creates a pattern, and when you extrapolate this into spirals, you find it EVERYWHERE in the universe. The Spirals of Shells, Spiral Galaxy Arms, the pattern of leaves and petals on plants… You'll discover the Phi ratio there…!

It's been called the Golden Number, the Divine Ratio… Google it, or buy a book about it - absolutely fascinating reading! Here's a good place to start:

Not that Kimber Lee cares at the moment - I'm sure she just wants to put a Phist (see what I did there) in Socorro's face!

Thanks for Reading Everyone!