Page 315

KimLuster on May 28, 2016

Lotsa talking on this page…

I know, I know… Several of you wanted Kimber Lee to just bash Eli's head in!!

Keep in mind the purpose of this dream, from Kimber Lee's point of view. She's trying to encounter the Godstrain itself, find out more about it, then overcome it. Any other encounters can be obstacles to reaching that, but could also hold clues… Thus Kimber Lee asking Eli's opinion!

What do you think of Eli's opinion?

Plus, sometimes, when someone has done a great wrong to you, you just want to hear what they have to say… Oftentimes, afterwards, you realize it probably wasn't the greatest idea.

And for those who want Kimber Lee to bash Eli's head in, just take a look at her expression in the last panel, and come back next page!!

Thanks for reading everyone!