book 2 page 31

Scorpion451 on Dec. 27, 2011

Sorry about posting super-late today; forgot to turn on my alarm last night.^^; The old-school manual ones with the bells are the only ones I don't sleep through, but you have to turn them back on every night, because they ring both am and pm if you leave them on. Normally get up at 6:30 AM and woke up a little after 10. Not good on post day, to say the least; but at least its done now.
For the record, I don't actually know Serbian, but I did make a dedicated effort to try to get something resembling proper grammar and all.- if I have any Serbian readers, lemme know if I got it right or not, and if it's wrong, what it should be.
Off to play not-working-on-webcomic now.