Book 3 Page 15

Scorpion451 on Nov. 6, 2012

Whew, today was a fun one: got a late start because I overslept, and then had to go vote in the middle of working on the page (darned sense of civic responsibility to help maintain something approximating an actual republic. XD ) so I'm posting pretty darn late in the day today.
And yes, I know, I forgot 9volts collar, because I just noticed that. ^~^; I'll be fixing that tomorrow.

I did manage to find time today to fix the EPIC OFF MODEL FAIL on Stone in panel 1 from Fridays page, though. I knew I screwed that one up soon as I looked at the finised page, but I was running short on time and I have a policy where if I have to choose between posting something I hate and not posting at all, I post it. Keeps me from getting caught up in trying to make every page perfect and never posting anything- just have to get it done, and the rest is usually just polishing until I get tired of looking at it. But its fixed now, if anyone wants to check out the previous page without Stone looking like something that escaped from the failed splicing ward. XP