Since there's nothing else important happening...

Gordon on June 4, 2006

How do you make a law that does nothing to help any part of the American public, but does quite definitely discriminate a small percentage?

Well, you can only do it if you have enough stupid people to hate that small percentage of the population.

And I'm sorry, but if the “Gay Marriage” issue is a problem for you, you're stupid. Or at least ignorant.

What we're not talking about is a divine union of two souls in the eyes of the God of your choice. This is not what state sanctioned marriage is about. A church marriage is different from a state marriage. One has legal standing, the other is a sacrament of the church.

The state allows the sacrament one to also have legal standing.

What we are talking about is a legal relationship between two individuals in regards to property and law. The surviving spouse upon their spouse's death gets everything unless there's a will. The surviving spouse retains custody of adopted children. One spouse does not have to testify in court against another.

There are also (for whatever reason) tax options for married couples.

That's it. If you don't want to call it marriage, fine. As long as a man and a woman also cannot be married by the state. But then we're talking about civil unions (or the name you prefer) for everyone.

Equal rights used to mean something - especially to the President of the United States.


In the end, nothing will happen. Amending the Constitution is a long, arduous process and the marriage amendment would never, ever make it. 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the Senate and 2/3 of the 50 states would have to approve it.

This is to give the republicans something - anything - to talk about that doesn't make them look like complete schmuck. Ruined the economy? Stuck in a losing war? Privacy being taken away? Yeah, they let all that happen, but don't worry … the queers can't get married.

And that's why the Republican party and anyone moved by the Gay Marriage issue is a complete and utter idiot.