Chapter 2.5

Krae on Aug. 14, 2006

Back to color, because actually doing it is the only way to get any better.
I see improvement. Major improvement. Just look at some of my first pages! (wait, no! don't!)
I see some iffy parts, but I really like this page. I mean, LOOK! Backgrounds in every panel! I didn't think I could manage for a while, but I pulled through.^^
Why a whole page dedicated to an embarrasing moment? I think charecter development is one of the best things a comic can have. I'm not overly fond of super-fast-paced stories where the main charecter exists only to… well, bash things.

Kaminari - My DD alerter thingie is all screwey at the moment, is that what is happening to yours?

Moonelfchick - I have yet to poke someone…

Darkest1 - Yes, Gad is the mastermind theif behind it all, bwahaha. You have a char. named Aiden? There can be only one, I challenge you 0__o;;;

Ironwolf - I liked the ‘loom’, too. It's a nice sound effect :)

Br4nzilla - no.. greyscale BAD. Well, not for you. You don't count :D

Krae - hush up, Krae. Nobody wants to listen to you!

Mina Lunga - It's true he isn't really human, so his proportions can be whatever my little mind desires! Plus, he IS big mouth. His personality must have manifested itself as a actual physical trait.
I decided to use greys because I thought I could get away with more, but alas. I was wrong.

Jenshin - I think I should have taken your advice and used more black, but thank you :)