Page 41

Kristen Gudsnuk on Sept. 8, 2009

urghg I am exhausted.

DC was fun. Fun things did happen.
AAARGH my little brother just stole the dog from me. I am inexplicably depressed.

I got a book on anatomy, and it's way kool! I can't wait to get better at drawing. I've gotta learn the parts of the body and stuff! especially arms. I suck at arms. muscle of the day- “Brachioradial!” A pretty word, and it's the muscle on your forearm right next to the elbow that sticks out kind of. COOL!

So, this page! pretty happy with it. The falling panel (as well as every other panel) I did without a reference, so I'm happy it came out as well as it did.

Thanks everyone for your comments and support. Oh and I'm in the top 100 comics!