Character Info: Jack

ThePandoraProject on April 6, 2008

Lemniskate (05-27-2009):
Well, not entirely for entertainment purposes. And boxed only for 1000 years.
And those other minor characters: they were never again mentioned, so I had to develop some. And design them. That was fun, too. Prepare for Venter Ascaules. Vir Pistor. Ali Quantus. Anastasia Vumur. Eric “Steelcruncher”.

Litindirs pages became obsolote, btw. Long before I took over writing. The background grew very fast. And I never saw the script for those pages, actually…

Current recruiting thread.

Veritas (04-07-2008):
Well, here's the moment I've been waiting for: the introduction of Jack before Pandora's Box. I found out as this project went on that my favorite characters were the ones that Litindir had a problem envisioning, even though he liked them, too! Jack here is no exception. The key phrase we could use to describe him is “the point of maturity is to know when to be immature”, which is actually a life motto I have.

Well, I believe that's all the characters of the Graphic Novel! There will be a few more, but seeing how they are insignificant to the story as a whole, I didn't ask Lit to draw them.

Speaking of Lit, he's currently drawing the first five pages of the graphic novel at this very moment, and I'm writing Lemniskate's pages as I type. This ball is rolling, and if you want to be a part of something amazing, contact me. We'd really love to see more participating.

attention all colorers: We need you! We currently have three great artists, but no colorers to aide us. We need you guys to come in and help with us. It'd be worth your while to be part of this Graphic Novel, I promise!

Lastly, the URL for the thread can be found here: Take a look, you'll like what you'll see.

Until next time,