i hate your plans!

Teh Andeh on Nov. 21, 2012

Poor lizzy always teh victim of garnets plans. you think by now Garnet would realize how bad they are haha.

And with that we end issue #1~
and its break timeessszzzdlkadfl;flv

See you in january! i need to write issue 2 LOL xD dont worry i have it kinda drafted but you know how it is!

ciao bbycakes!

remember you can still pick up volume one in its amazingness over athttp://indyplanet.com/store/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=2628 font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; background-color: #d8018a;">If youd like a signed copy instead Email me stuff@goddamnpantybrigade.com well worksomethingout