Leo design by Kamikoko

skyangel on Aug. 11, 2011

I think this was the first outfit I used in the actual comic. Just like Ana's it is very stylish but also looks pretty easy and cheap to make which suited the budget of my character at that time very nicely. Again this just looks so much fun to wear and be seen in and there's so much action in the all over, ripped design as well as being incredibly sexy, that it really suits Leo's wild character well.
My plan was to use all the easy-make outifts first and then work up through more expensive ones as Leo's success becomes more secure. A lot of the designers went for red in her colour scheme which I'm totally in agreement with. Red is vivid and alive as well as being a very sexy colour so I really feel that this is her colour.
Have to mention how much I love her haircolouring
as well and the neat little choker that finishes the outfit off.
Thanks Kamikoko