CHP 2 Page #2: Past and the Present Part 1

Zador on Feb. 14, 2007

Characters Page
Sith Menace DD Forum
The Sith Menace Wiki (under construction)

The second page of Chapter 2 is here. I used some of the lightsaber effects in this one, but as the blades were originally uncolored, the result isn't that good. We'll see if some pre-colored lightsabers will look better later on.

I've also started a small wiki for the Sith Menace, which is under work. You can register for it if you want and discuss/add stuff.

Anyhow, here is the page.

P.S. Character page will be updated in time to add Gri'Got, his majordomos and Bero.
Crosa meets his captor, Gri'Gor the Hutt and is reminded of events that took place three years ago on Nar Shaddaa…

Gri'Got was having a business meeting with Bero Dacr,a Glymphid Smuggler, who, unbeknownst to Gri'Got, was working for the jedi.
As Gri'Got was about to sell the illegal ‘spice’, Crosa stepped in to arrest Gri'Got.

Things did not go as planned, as Kor showed up on the scene, quickly beheaded Bero and faced Crosa in a battle to avenge the death of his father…
FACT #1: The Twi'Lek running away from the scene is Madu Nucew, the majordomo working for Gri'Got back then, who was mentioned in the Author's Notes for Page 1 of Chapter 2.
FACT #2: As seen when Gri'Got faces Crosa, his right arm is missing. In the flashback, it is still there. What happened to his arm will be revealed in coming pages, though the chapter name and cover might give you a hint :)