Coyote Trax - And The Band Was 'Showaddywaddy'

Bocaj on Sept. 20, 2009

Respectfully submitted for your perusal: A comic page. Height: A little over 1500 pixels. File Size: In the neighbourhood of 650 kb. Origins: Unknown. Destination? Therein hangs the tale, for in just a moment we're going to ask you to shake hands, figuratively, with a comic with no consistent author. This is The Traveling Assist.

I spent all night watching The Twilight Zone. Sorry. This comic was fun to do and just for kicks, I drew it differently than I draw my own comic Star Trax. Which is currently parodying Star Trek: The Next Generation.
You don't need to be a Trekkie to read it, but it helps (probably).

Peace and chicken grease,
David “Coyote Trax” Kirk


Twitter: CoyoteTrax
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