The Unofficial Sequel to Doctor Heath

FungusMule on Oct. 21, 2007

No, this was NOT done with pencil, despite what it may look like - I used a combination of a Wacom tablet and a dark grey brush to achieve the pencilled effect. I'm really pleased with the art in this one, although the mouths are looking a little too much like Penny Arcade - I'm going to have to keep an eye on that.

Also, Bridget became a character! Hit the “Back” button to see the original image of her (produced before she was named). I decided to utilize that thing called continuity in order to introduce her, although it's more of an indirect link to “Doctor Heath” (the name excluded, of course).

Some who have read the earlier strips may also remember my Grade 9 friend, Aliisa, who has received a new look (because I don't like the way I drew her before). See, I don't forget the older characters!

On a finishing note, I would like to tell Dave (user: Nourn) that the gay jokes are getting dated.

- N.

*** Wolfmother rocks. Say otherwise, and die. ***