I Fell Down The Stairs

ifelldownthestairs on Nov. 17, 2009

Sometimes when reviewing comics, you have to deal with some that are just down right bad.
Some that are so putrid they are an insult to DD, and are an insult to the noble art of comic making.
This, sadly, is one such comic.
I am sorry out guest reviewers had to be subjected to it!

It is purile, immature, moronic and morally bankrup, with art that looks like someone wiped their arse on MS Paint!
Only a sick twisted mind could make a strip like this-


And only a mal-adjust, semi-retarded, sexual deviant could write filth like this-


I urge you all to boycotte this filth, this trash, this stain on the internet!
A blind gibbon could write better comedy!
If there is a God, you can bet right now he is working hard to give the author of this filth cancer! In the face!

If you want to help ban this comic, post on this special section of the forum to sign the petition and register your outrage!