The Ministry Propaganda

DreadfulThings on Dec. 29, 2010

Taking this classic optical illusion, we decided to give it a little refresh and update for our story.

We feel it perfectly illustrates the kind of propaganda that the Ministry of Hammer would employ to scare “Citizens” into handing over fresh suspects.

The more innocent women placed on trial as witches within the dungeons of The Ministry, the more likely that they will find the occasional rare W'y'tch to bleed dry.

A Wytch's precious and unique blood has healing properties that can bestow the gift of immortyl life.
As a 2000 year old Wytch can have the appearance of a 30 year old woman, the Ministry would hunt anyone that acted suspiciously reclusive, searching high and lo for such priceless blood, whilst using witch trails as their cover up.

The Ministry use this illusion to demonstrate this concept. The image contains a young woman and their interpretation of an evil olde hag?