1963 - Doctor Wha?

Xiam on Sept. 8, 2009

Gah, so few Time Hobo updates lately. Please accept this apology, in the form of a new comic - IN COLOR!

I've actually had this idea rattling around in my head for a few days, as I've been spending a lot of my time watching Doctor Who. I feel I owe it to myself as a geek to watch the entire series - starting with the First Doctor and working my way up.

I'm up to the Fifth Doctor, at about 1984 now. Season 21, yep.

…The series went on a LONG TIME.

For this page, I did a lot of Google searchings for the TARDIS, as well as the original police boxes upon which it was designed. I think I did a pretty good job, given how many different variations it's taken over the years. Plus, I gave our loveable hobo a jacket.

It's cold in England.