Bella Roisin Dubh on Oct. 30, 2009

hallelujah, praise Jesus.
In the midst of studying for my second nursing exam, working and care plans bla bla bla…

Anyway, the story is progressing, slowly.
My avatar is starting to creep me out. I might change it to a picture of Mia. I have to draw up a good one first though.
Once I do draw it, I'll upload the picture too. :)

If you're reading and not leaving comments, please do. :(
I could really use some feedback.I tried uploading this before, but I was, for lack of a better word, disgusted with it. So please, tell me what you think. :)

Um, and sorry about the … at the end of the page. I'll try not to wait almost 3 more weeks to upload the next page.