Episode 101 - Page 6

Doodstormer on July 6, 2012

And we are live! May many more explosions follow this inaugural explosion, and may they build into bigger explosions until Michael Bay sues me.
The current updating schedule, Tuesdays and Fridays, may change as I figure out just what works out and what doesn't. But for these first weeks it'll be pretty regular. And if my bumper does its job, you won't even notice when it isn't.
Also pardon any weirdness going on with the site for the first few weeks. DrunkDuck's pre-uploading system doesn't let you see what you've pre-uploaded until, presumably, the day they go live (Or maybe it doesn't even work at all and all my blogposts have been assumed into limbo), and since the site thinks today is July 6th, that tells you all you need to know about that. Because of this, there's a chance of duplicate pages popping up. Shoot me a PM (PQ?) if you see something I may have missed.