Ch. 11 Page 23

dragonsong12 on Jan. 3, 2010

Actually, it's likely that they ended up any number of places, depending on the strength of the storm, but within a limited search area…yeah, it's likely they're there. :D

And we're to set off once again!
In retrospect I wish I'd done a bit more tenebrism on that first panel there, some high contrast rather than straight up silhouettes. It would've had a really cool and kind of ominous effect!…but I didn't think of that until about an hour ago. XD Ah well, it serves well enough.

Anyway, this is the last page of this chapter, and I am eager to move on to the next. Next week will be another page of the folk story and then the week after that the title page before moving on to the chapter itself, which I'll talk more about when we get to it. Suffice to say, it'll have a bit more action than this chapter had.

Also, I got a new fanart! It's a lovely portrait of Tai by Bhudicae! Check it out!

Thanks for reading! Hope your holidays were excellent, I know mine were! See you next week!