Halloween - FreakyStein page 12

Banes on Nov. 25, 2011

This Page:
And our Halloween special ends! Just in time for Christmas!

Behind the Secret Door:
Well, it's not quite Christmas…but next year I'll try and have the Halloween story ready a bit earlier (already have a plan for next year's Halloween, so there's plenty of time!)

In other news, the new furnace is installed and there is much warming of toes going on at the ol' homestead tonight! Hooray!

I've always loved the Universal Monsters…since back in the days before home video was prevalent, when I learned about these characters in those old orange hardcover books!

And I should've switched back to color for the last panel, I know….but no laptop, no digital drawing/coloring animation program…so inconsistency wins once again !!

See you soon!