Unlimited Evil Issue #1 Page 23 (Part 3): Live on the Scene.

darth_paul on Sept. 7, 2010

In this scene, we have ace Hawaiian reporter Leilani Harper reporting live from Tampa Bay, FL where Enterstar, the starship that brought the SM9 to Earth which they turned into a building for themselves to live and work out of. Behind Enterstar is a bridge/tunnel that I made up that I thought seemed futuristic enough to be there in the 46th century. In real life there is no bridge that looks like that, although in early non-published stories with these characters I did intend for their base to be situated in the bay near one of the bridges that spans the water between Tampa and St. Petersburg. I know that Harper herself seems to be dressed, shall we say, “inappropriately” for a news reporter, but it's actually part of her character in that she tends to push the limits as to what is acceptable to wear while reporting the news, besides since this is all set in the future, who's to say that bare midriffs at work aren't socially acceptable centuries from now? LOL! Also, the place that Harper mentions that the Xel Empire was banished to, The Void, is kind of like my own Negative Zone/Phantom Zone/Dimension-X type of place that is used as a prison of sorts as a last resort to send the most powerful criminals of the universe when no other place will hold them. Without giving too much else away, The Void basically has a power-dampening field within it that negates super-powers and makes most technology useless, so it's a very effective and almost inescapable prison, yet somehow they got out. As for anything else about this page, the only other thing I have to say is that the sand and water are nifty effects in Photoshop along with some simple smudge tool usage to create the waves. There's even a lens flare or two for lighting, but you probably can't see them since they are hidden behind the building and the bridge somewhat to the upper right side of the page. I would've liked them to be a bit more noticeable, but I still feel that it works for the lighting that I wanted for the scene.