0038 Outlandish Theories

Vahn Galbreski on April 30, 2007

I know I really shouldn't do this, but I would like to ask you all for a small favor. Recently, I have learned about a certain young lady, and the trouble she is experiencing in her life. I know it may sounds silly and corny, and I normally don't do things liek this, but I would like to ask you all to keep her in your hearts and your thoughts. She is a really sweet girl who doesn't deserve an iota of what's happened to her, and I want her to pull through this time of crisis in her life.

I'm really not sure how to end this, but I suppose I would like to dedicate today's comic, rushed and sloppy though it may be, in her name. Insert whatever other flowery language id needed here.

Thank you, and have a good day.