Chapter 5, Page 17

Sturstein on Nov. 2, 2014

The plot thickens, or so people like to say.
Its been a twisted tale so far. When I started re-reading
Valentines Dei in order to prep for writing Chapter 5, it was
interesting. The early chapters were a lot of legwork, a good dash of
context and a measure of world building. Now, in Chapter 4, and even
more so in Chapter 5, we are all perfectly acquainted with how messed up
the world is thanks to Pantheon and their augmentations. Now, as we
progress, we find out how the messed up world is starting to impact on
our seemingly by-the-book investigation and start to find out how deep
the rabbit goes.
What better way than with another character to add to the melting pot of strange folk and odd personalities?
Sammi xx